5 things everyone with type 1 diabetes should know

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5 things everyone with type 1 diabetes should know

Type 1 diabetes usually strikes people very unexpectedly. Shock, denial, fear and sadness are common first reactions of sufferers. For most people and their loved ones, negative emotions will have a big impact on what happens next. Here are the top 5 things to remember when faced with an early diagnosis, whether it's during your first appointment in the emergency room, hospital, or clinic. These points are based on hundreds of newly diagnosed individuals with type 1 diabetes of all ages.

1. You are not to blame for your diabetes.

Many people feel guilty for causing or contributing to diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is the result of an autoimmune attack on the pancreas against insulin-producing beta cells. No act of will or inaction can bring this about. This should be clear from the beginning and it should be internalized. There is no need to think about guilt and shame when you have diabetes, so it is very important to dispel these feelings early in the diagnosis. There is often a sigh of relief when this information is shared with patients. Finally, it makes it easier to get to know the other points.

2. A normal life is the main goal in diabetes.

Living with type 1 diabetes has never been easier. Continuous public education and various assistance programs help sick people to live a normal life. Likewise, with new tools and technology, one should expect a fulfilling life and career in whatever field one pursues. There are still barriers to a declining number of professions, such as active combat military service, but the majority of jobs do not pose any discomfort to career heights. The future has never been brighter for a person or child with type 1 diabetes , no matter what path he/she takes in life.

3. There is no good or bad treatment. Life is a never-ending cycle of grades, assessments and reports.

Diabetes can easily turn into self-judgment or unnecessary judgment of others. As significant as diabetes is, it is not a moral aberration. It is not a metabolic disorder of human choice. It takes knowledge, experience and understanding to manage it every day. Diabetes care is a process, not an outcome. Because diabetes has so many statistics, it's tempting to use words like "good" and "bad" to refer to yourself or loved ones with the disease. Try not to use "good" or "bad" when describing diabetes or its management. Blood sugar can be 'normal', 'high' or 'low', and A1C results can be 'normal' or 'out of range'.

4. Diabetes care is a matter of individual choice.

The average adult is said to make 35,000 different choices each day. More than half of these choices are based on habits (that is, we are not always aware of them), and the rest are conscious choices. But the total is still staggering. Our daily lives are defined by these choices, both the ones we make and the ones we don't make. In the world of diagnosis, inaction is critical. Imagine the consequences of not taking your scheduled dose of insulin or not checking your blood sugar before meals. What about not eating a meal after taking a dose of rapid-acting insulin? Choices are self-management for effective blood sugar management.

5. Don't compare yourself to others. You are a unique person with your own problems and joys.

We live in a world of social media where many of us are constantly sharing sensitive details of our daily lives and our deepest feelings with strangers on online platforms. When we post a photo or video, we want others to see us as they want to see us, and vice versa. An online diabetes community can be invaluable as a support tool for people with diabetes . However, some people may use it as a yardstick by which we judge ourselves. This leads to unfair comparisons with others and sometimes jealousy. It can also be a source of bullying and embarrassment. Each person's diabetes is different in a thousand ways. Avoid comparing your life (or that of a loved one with diabetes) to others. Like the good-bad trap, comparisons tend to lead to jealousy and frustration.

1 comment

  • Jonas

    Sveiki, dėkui už išsamią informaciją apie cukrinį diabetą, gal bus ateityje tinklaraščių ir apie odos ligas?

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