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Diabetes mellitus. How to take care of feet with diabetes?
Foot care is a critically important aspect of the daily life of people with diabetes for several key reasons. First, due to diabetes mellitus, the normal blood circulation process is disrupted , especially in the extremities, such as the legs. This leads to reduced blood flow to the legs, which can lead to slower wound healing and an increased risk of infection. Second, diabetes often causes nerve damage called neuropathy, which reduces sensation in the feet. Because of this, a person may not notice small wounds, scratches or other damage, which again can lead to more serious medical complications, including infections or even leg amputation.
Diabetes. What should you know about diabetic blisters?
People with diabetes (diabetes mellitus) can sometimes develop blisters on the skin. These are called diabetic bullae, bullosis diabeticorum, or diabetic bumps. Diabetic blisters are relatively rare, but reports of their incidence vary.
Nutrition and diabetic foot: what you need to know? Diabetes and its complications
Proper foot care is extremely important for diabetic patients. Diabetes patients face many painful side effects. The most common ailment is foot ulcers, where the skin on the feet and the skin around the toes begins to crack and tear, causing pain and risk of infection.
Skin care tips for diabetes
Diabetes can dry out the skin. This means you can get injured more easily, get infected more often and take longer to heal. Follow these tips to keep your skin healthy.
11 tips to protect your feet and legs if you have diabetes
From checking your feet for ulcers to keeping the skin on your feet dry, good foot health is essential when you have diabetes. Use these tips to reduce the risk of infection and protect your feet from developing diabetic foot.